VMOS APK Download Latest Version

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Customize The Resolution With VMOS Apk

VMOS apk in an application which lets you run and install an Android Operating System. The new operating system runs as an app and is not controlled and dependent on the host system. When you install VMOS apk, it will not take much time. It will only take just five minutes.  From the VMOS apk, ROM can be downloaded and installed which will run as the process gets finished. This operating system is based on Android 5.1.1 and you can run any app inside it. It is also regarded as a Virtual box. VMOS apk is separated and not controlled by the host system.

Features –

  • Own Two Accounts – with VMOS apk you can own 2 social accounts by which you balance the work and life in one device. 
  • Picture In Picture Mode – VMOS apk has a picture in picture mode. Above the other applications, the floating window gets displayed with free zoom and drag.
  • Running Background – for some of the games, there can also be VMOS running background.
  • Customizable Resolution – VMOS apk has a very unique feature of Customizable resolution. The users can define the width, DPI, and length according to their wishes.  The resolutions which you set also get recorded.

You can download VMOS apk which is an innovative technology.  This virtualizes the android operating system on your device.  You can switch between real and virtual system anytime you want with VMOS apk. The applications and data are stored locally. The main use of VMOS apk is that you can have two identical games or apps on the same device.  You can also have an active game installed on the virtual operating system while you play a different game. You can also customize the resolution with VMOS apk. VMOS apk can be installed easily and it is a very useful app for your android device.